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All The Wrong Questions

by Lemony Snicket

Dear Kit, went another imaginary letter to my sister. I write to you from outside a roaring train, where I am about to lose my life. All I can see is a design the color of those rain boots they used to make you wear. I send best wishes and warm personal regards.

This book series was a wild ride. After finishing 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' I needed something else by Lemony Snicket to read, and this series was suggested to me by a friend. I was skeptical after reading the first book, but the series only got better and better until I loved it as much or maybe more than ASOUE.

It cemented my admiration for Snicket’s writing style, and showcased his versatility. This series was gothic, reminded me of a film noir, was mysterious and eerie in the best of ways. At the same time, it had a cast of excellent and funny characters.

Lemony Snicket, of course, is the main character. In this series, instead of just being the narrator and investigator, he is a curious and capable child who is going on his own journey. His sarcasm, humour and personal protectiveness of others made him so likeable!

Moxie is a young journalist, who becomes his partner in crime. I loved her spunk, intelligence and loyalty.

Dashiell Quert is a very unique and kind librarian.

Pip and Squeak are cab drivers who love books - and thus are to be trusted!

Ellington Feint is a mysterious character looking for her father, and is one of my favourite characters in the series.

Hangfire was a truly chilling villain, and we don't get to meet him until the last book. There are monsters, a town with many secrets, escapes and imprisonments, and a murder. This is not your classic 'happy ending' children's book, but what else would you expect from Lemony Snicket?

There are so many more, equally colourful and suspicious figures. Jack and Cleo, Theodora, You'll have to read the books to meet them.

“I hope you’re not going to do anything foolish.”
“I hope you’re not hoping too hard.”

The writing style of this series was funny, although the plot was definitely more suspenseful and scary than Snicket's other work. I loved the many 'bookish' plot points, and also the witty references to A Series of Unfortunate Events!

In the middle of the series, there is this fun little book called 13 Suspicious Incidents. It is a collection of smaller mysteries that take place in the town of Stain'd-by-the-Sea, which aren't really connected to the main plot. The book is formatted in such a way that you get a chance to guess what happens before the answers are revealed. It was entertaining, although not my favourite book in the series.

The story of the book filled the car with exciting adventures of the sort that are fun to read about, so we didn't have to think about the exciting adventures of the sort that are no fun to live through.

There were so many twists and turns in this series, that I couldn't put down the last two books. In true Lemony Snicket fashion, the last book closed with new mysteries beginning and some questions left unanswered. I really hope we get a new series in the future.

Where does Lemony's journey lead him next?

What happens to Ellington Feint?

Does Moxie end up being a famous journalist?

These may be the wrong questions, but I’d love to know the answers.


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