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The Journey

by Verity Buchanan

My last read was ‘The Journey’. This book... 🤩 I had been wanting to read it for a while and I’m so glad I finally did.

The Journey follows the journey of three siblings: Frederick, Marjorie & Sandy as they seek a new home. As they travel they pass through many dangerous places and meet both friends and foes. Verity wrote the locations so vividly, that they each stood out as distinct and memorable. My favourite was Fell Pass:

“They drew abreast of a peculiarly formed rock which bore unmistakable and yet twisted resemblance to a living creature, though what living creature she could not have said. It was scored as though by blades, and if her gaze shifted it seemed to twitch and grope in a grotesquely sinuous, inhuman way. She sighed when they were safely past it. But another they passed, and another. Like chilling sentinels along their path, they stood, beings not known to man.”

This was very much a character driven story. Each of the siblings were fascinating.

Frederick was a protector and caretaker for the girls. He is so sweet and I want to give him a hug and a pep talk, he needs it badly!

Marjorie the older of the two girls, grew on me throughout the story. She matured so much and became the glue holding the family together. I absolutely love her!

“The Sandy you are now,” Fred answered quietly, “she is not that Sandy either. Oh, my sister, to give up you are winning. To yield you are conquering. You still will be Sandy; just a Sandy with dead things cut away, with new life breathed into her.”

Sandy was so well written. I didn’t know whether to hate or love her. Her arc was so satisfying, and in the end she reminded me a bit of Jo March.

This has become one of my favourite reads of the year, and I look forward to reading the rest of the series!


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